
  • Recent Damage at Countrywood Entrance – Seeking Information 

    Dear Countrywood Neighbors, We are reaching out to see if anyone has witnessed any particular vehicle(s) running through the entrance off of Rocky Ridge in the past few weeks. This has caused massive rutting in the sod, which will need to be repaired.  This has been an ongoing issue, and we are considering options to……

  • Dues Reminder and Annual Meeting Notice

    Good afternoon, if you have not yet paid your annual dues, you can pay online here or drop/mail a check to Bret Cloud at 2557 Whetstone Road. Also, the annual meeting will be held 1/30/2025 so if you have any questions or concerns, please submit those by EOD 1/29/2025. There are openings on the……

  • Countrywood/Countrywood Highlands Yard Christmas Trees

    The last several years the Boy Scout Tree Lot Fundraiser on Hwy 31 has provided a service to all families who want to display a Christmas Tree in their front yards. The Boy scouts will continue to provide these this year delivered to your yard. The Christmas trees are 4-5 feet tall and cost $45……

  • Halloween Trick or Treating

    Thursday, Oct 31st 5-9:00pm  Historically we have large numbers of children. We ask residents to follow these simple rules: 1.) Do not park on streets. Everyone has plenty of stacking ability in driveways for several cars and guests. If you see a neighbor or guest parking on street, kindly remind them to park in driveway or offer yours if more space……

  • Neighborhood Halloween Parade

    Come join your neighbors Saturday 9/26 at 3452 Water Oak Dr for breakfast/coffee followed by a parade behind the fire truck!

  • Popsicles today 8/7 and Kindergarten social Sunday 8/111

    Reminder about back to school popsicles today 3-4pm corner of Aspen Cove Circle and Birchwood Lane. There is also a social Sunday for kindergarten families. Please note the popsicle truck will only be there the first 30 minutes Sunday

  • Back to School Popsicles 8/7

    NOTE: This is usually on the first day of school but it is not this year and will be the day BEFORE school starts, Wednesday 8/7

  • Lulu Gribbin

    Good morning, I wanted to make sure everyone was aware of the reason for the purple mailbox bows. These bows are to show support for Lulu Gribbin who was one of the shark attack victims severely injured on 30A about a month ago. Her grandparents, Jane and Joe Gribbin, are long-time Countrywood residents. Andy’s Farm……

  • End of Year Ice Cream

  • High School Senior Signs

    I am so sorry to be so delayed in sending this! We would love to, once again, honor our high school seniors. Please complete the attached form by May 3 and we will have a sign placed in your yard.